Uncertainty-Aware Reward-Free Exploration with General Function Approximation

Junkai Zhang, Weitong Zhang, Dongruo Zhou, Quanquan Gu·June 24, 2024


This paper introduces GFA-RFE, a reward-free reinforcement learning algorithm that enhances exploration efficiency by incorporating an uncertainty-aware intrinsic reward and a learning process that accounts for heterogeneous sample uncertainty. Theoretical analysis shows that GFA-RFE outperforms existing methods in terms of sample complexity. Experiments on the DeepMind Control Suite demonstrate its strong performance, as it competes with or outperforms state-of-the-art unsupervised algorithms without relying on extrinsic rewards. The algorithm is particularly effective in environments with general function approximation, addressing the challenge of mastering multiple tasks without explicit reward signals. The study contributes to the understanding of exploration strategies in RL and highlights the potential of GFA-RFE for practical applications.

Key findings


Paper digest

What problem does the paper attempt to solve? Is this a new problem?

Could you please provide more specific information or context about the paper you are referring to? This will help me better understand the problem it aims to solve and whether it is a new problem or not.

What scientific hypothesis does this paper seek to validate?

This paper aims to validate the scientific hypothesis related to Uncertainty-Aware Reward-Free Exploration with General Function Approximation. The study focuses on exploring the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, GFA-RFE, in learning the environment without the need for a reward function and generating a near-optimal policy based on various reward functions . The research also compares the performance of GFA-RFE with baseline algorithms like ICM, Disagreement, RND, APT, DIAYN, APS, and SMM, which provide different intrinsic rewards during exploration . Additionally, the paper conducts experiments to evaluate the performance of the algorithm within the framework of unsupervised reinforcement learning (URL) and demonstrates its practical efficiency in learning the environment .

What new ideas, methods, or models does the paper propose? What are the characteristics and advantages compared to previous methods?

The paper "Uncertainty-Aware Reward-Free Exploration with General Function Approximation" proposes several novel ideas, methods, and models in the field of reinforcement learning . Here are some key contributions outlined in the paper:

  1. Representation Learning in Low-Rank Markov Decision Processes: The paper introduces a provably efficient representation learning approach for low-rank Markov decision processes .

  2. Reward-Free Model-Based Reinforcement Learning: It presents a method for reward-free model-based reinforcement learning using linear function approximation .

  3. Nearly Minimax Optimal Reward-Free Reinforcement Learning: The paper discusses a nearly minimax optimal approach for reward-free reinforcement learning .

  4. Model-Free Reinforcement Learning: It covers the transition from clipped pseudo-regret to sample complexity in model-free reinforcement learning .

  5. Algorithm for Reinforcement Learning with General Function Approximation: The paper introduces a nearly optimal and low-switching algorithm for reinforcement learning with general function approximation .

  6. Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning in Online Reinforcement Learning: It presents the concept of Contrastive UCB, which is a provably efficient contrastive self-supervised learning method in online reinforcement learning .

  7. Unified Framework for Intrinsic Rewards: The paper discusses a unified framework that provides benchmarks for intrinsic rewards in reinforcement learning .

  8. Optimal Horizon-Free Reward-Free Exploration: It introduces an approach for optimal horizon-free reward-free exploration in linear mixture Markov decision processes .

  9. Sample-Efficient Algorithms: The paper presents sample-efficient algorithms for reinforcement learning problems, such as Bellman eluder dimension and representation selection .

  10. Active Learning for Pure Exploration: It discusses fast active learning for pure exploration in reinforcement learning .

These contributions highlight the diverse range of innovative ideas, methods, and models proposed in the paper, aiming to advance the field of reinforcement learning with a focus on reward-free exploration and general function approximation. The paper "Uncertainty-Aware Reward-Free Exploration with General Function Approximation" introduces several key characteristics and advantages compared to previous methods in the field of reinforcement learning:

  1. Efficient Exploration with Adaptive Intrinsic Rewards: The paper proposes an uncertainty-aware exploration method that leverages adaptive intrinsic rewards to efficiently explore the environment during the planning phase. This approach achieves a sample complexity of eO(H2 log NF(ϵ) dim(F)/ϵ2) to find the ϵ-optimal policy, outperforming existing methods like Kong et al. (2021) .

  2. Improved Sample Complexity: Compared to prior studies, the proposed algorithm in the paper demonstrates improved sample complexity results. For instance, the algorithm achieves a reward-free sample complexity of eO(H6d4ϵ−2), showcasing advancements in exploration efficiency .

  3. Theory-Guided Algorithm Performance: Through extensive experiments on the DeepMind Control Suite, the theory-guided algorithm GFA-RFE exhibits compatible or superior performance compared to state-of-the-art unsupervised exploration methods. This practical validation highlights the potential of incorporating theoretical advancements into solving real-world problems effectively .

  4. Incorporation of Uncertainty Metrics: The paper introduces a properly improved uncertainty metric D2Fh instead of sensitivity, enhancing the exploration efficiency in practice. This incorporation of advanced uncertainty metrics contributes to the algorithm's ability to explore the environment effectively .

  5. Algorithm Enhancements: The proposed algorithm in the paper incorporates weighted regression to handle heterogeneous observations, utilizes a "truncated Bellman equation" for analysis, and introduces a variance-adaptive intrinsic reward. These enhancements contribute to the algorithm's improved performance and exploration efficiency .

  6. Experimental Validation: The experimental results presented in the paper demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can efficiently explore the environment without the need for a reward function and output near-optimal policies across various tasks. The performance of the algorithm aligns with or surpasses other top-level methods, validating its effectiveness in practical settings .

Overall, the characteristics and advantages of the proposed uncertainty-aware exploration method with general function approximation outlined in the paper showcase significant advancements in reinforcement learning, particularly in terms of exploration efficiency, sample complexity, and practical performance compared to previous methods.

Do any related researches exist? Who are the noteworthy researchers on this topic in this field?What is the key to the solution mentioned in the paper?

In the field related to the topic discussed in the paper "Uncertainty-Aware Reward-Free Exploration with General Function Approximation," there are several noteworthy researchers who have contributed to this area. Some of the notable researchers include the authors of the paper itself, as well as other experts in the field of reinforcement learning and function approximation .

The key to the solution mentioned in the paper lies in the formulation and proof of Lemmas, such as Lemma B.1 and Lemma B.6, which are crucial for establishing the theoretical foundations and correctness of the proposed approach. These Lemmas provide the necessary mathematical framework and induction proofs to support the uncertainty-aware reward-free exploration with general function approximation method discussed in the paper .

How were the experiments in the paper designed?

The experiments in the paper were designed to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, Uncertainty-Aware Reward-Free Exploration with General Function Approximation, in the context of reinforcement learning . The experiments were structured to assess the algorithm's ability to explore environments without relying on explicit reward functions and to generate near-optimal policies under various reward functions . The study compared the performance of the proposed algorithm, GFA-RFE, with several baseline algorithms such as ICM, Disagreement, RND, APT, DIAYN, APS, and SMM, aligning them with the same settings for fair evaluation . The results of the experiments, presented in Table 2, demonstrated that GFA-RFE efficiently explored the environment without explicit rewards and produced competitive or superior performance compared to the baseline algorithms across different environments and tasks .

What is the dataset used for quantitative evaluation? Is the code open source?

The dataset used for quantitative evaluation in the study is referred to as "Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning Benchmarks" . The implementation code for the algorithm can be accessed on GitHub via the link: https://github.com/uclaml/GFA-RFE .

Do the experiments and results in the paper provide good support for the scientific hypotheses that need to be verified? Please analyze.

The experiments and results presented in the paper provide strong support for the scientific hypotheses that needed verification. The study conducted extensive experiments to evaluate the proposed algorithm, GFA-RFE, in the context of reinforcement learning . The experimental results, as shown in Table 2, demonstrate that GFA-RFE efficiently explores the environment without the need for a reward function and is capable of outputting a near-optimal policy across various reward functions . Additionally, the performance of GFA-RFE was compared with several baseline algorithms, including APT, Disagreement, and RND, which consistently outperformed other algorithms on different environments and tasks. GFA-RFE showed compatible or superior performance compared to these top-level methods, further validating its effectiveness .

Moreover, the paper includes an ablation study to verify the algorithm's performance, focusing on the relationship between offline training processes and episodic reward, as well as the quantity of online exploration data used in offline training and its impact on achieving episodic reward . These ablation studies provide additional insights into the algorithm's behavior and effectiveness in learning the environment in practical settings. The promising numerical results obtained from the experiments justify the theoretical foundations of GFA-RFE and demonstrate its efficiency in learning the environment .

Overall, the experiments conducted in the paper, along with the detailed analysis of the results, provide robust empirical evidence supporting the scientific hypotheses underlying the GFA-RFE algorithm in the context of uncertainty-aware reward-free exploration with general function approximation in reinforcement learning .

What are the contributions of this paper?

The paper "Uncertainty-Aware Reward-Free Exploration with General Function Approximation" makes several contributions in the field of reinforcement learning:

  • It introduces the concept of self-supervised exploration via disagreement .
  • It presents Contrastive UCB, a provably efficient contrastive self-supervised learning method in online reinforcement learning .
  • The paper discusses the Eluder dimension and the sample complexity of optimistic exploration .
  • It explores model-based reinforcement learning in contextual decision processes, providing PAC bounds and exponential improvements over model-free approaches .
  • The paper also covers large-scale studies on curiosity-driven learning and exploration by random network distillation .
  • Additionally, it addresses the statistical efficiency of reward-free exploration in non-linear reinforcement learning .
  • The contributions include nearly optimal reward-free exploration for linear mixture MDPs and a general framework for sample-efficient function approximation in reinforcement learning .
  • Furthermore, the paper discusses the software and tasks for continuous control in reinforcement learning .

What work can be continued in depth?

Work that can be continued in depth typically involves projects or tasks that require further analysis, research, or development. This could include:

  1. Research projects that require more data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  2. Complex problem-solving tasks that need further exploration and experimentation.
  3. Long-term projects that require detailed planning and execution.
  4. Skill development that involves continuous learning and improvement.
  5. Innovation and creativity that require exploration of new ideas and possibilities.

Is there a specific area or project you are referring to that you would like more information on?



Overview of reward-free reinforcement learning (RL)
Challenges in exploration without extrinsic rewards
To propose a novel algorithm for efficient exploration
Improve sample complexity and performance in diverse tasks
Uncertainty-Aware Intrinsic Reward
Gaussian Process Function Approximation (GFA)
Use of GPs for modeling uncertainty in state-action spaces
Intrinsic Reward Design
Incorporating uncertainty as a driving force for exploration
Formulation of the intrinsic reward function
Heterogeneous Sample Uncertainty Learning
Handling varying levels of uncertainty across states
Adaptive uncertainty estimation and weighting
Learning Process
Integration of uncertainty into the reinforcement learning update
Balancing exploration and exploitation based on uncertainty
Theoretical Analysis
Sample complexity comparison with existing methods
Guarantees on exploration efficiency and convergence
Experimental Evaluation
DeepMind Control Suite
Benchmarking on a diverse set of tasks
Performance against state-of-the-art unsupervised algorithms
Demonstrated effectiveness in general function approximation tasks
Results and Discussion
Comparison of GFA-RFE's performance with extrinsic reward-based methods
Highlighting the algorithm's strengths in mastering multiple tasks
Applications and Future Directions
Potential for real-world applications
Open questions and directions for future research
Summary of key contributions
Implications for the exploration problem in RL
GFA-RFE's potential as a practical solution for reward-free learning.
Basic info
machine learning
artificial intelligence
Advanced features
What are the experimental results on the DeepMind Control Suite that demonstrate GFA-RFE's performance?
In what way does GFA-RFE compare to existing methods in terms of sample complexity, as per the theoretical analysis?
What is the primary focus of GFA-RFE algorithm?
How does GFA-RFE enhance exploration efficiency in reinforcement learning?

Uncertainty-Aware Reward-Free Exploration with General Function Approximation

Junkai Zhang, Weitong Zhang, Dongruo Zhou, Quanquan Gu·June 24, 2024


This paper introduces GFA-RFE, a reward-free reinforcement learning algorithm that enhances exploration efficiency by incorporating an uncertainty-aware intrinsic reward and a learning process that accounts for heterogeneous sample uncertainty. Theoretical analysis shows that GFA-RFE outperforms existing methods in terms of sample complexity. Experiments on the DeepMind Control Suite demonstrate its strong performance, as it competes with or outperforms state-of-the-art unsupervised algorithms without relying on extrinsic rewards. The algorithm is particularly effective in environments with general function approximation, addressing the challenge of mastering multiple tasks without explicit reward signals. The study contributes to the understanding of exploration strategies in RL and highlights the potential of GFA-RFE for practical applications.
Mind map
Balancing exploration and exploitation based on uncertainty
Integration of uncertainty into the reinforcement learning update
Adaptive uncertainty estimation and weighting
Formulation of the intrinsic reward function
Incorporating uncertainty as a driving force for exploration
Use of GPs for modeling uncertainty in state-action spaces
Highlighting the algorithm's strengths in mastering multiple tasks
Comparison of GFA-RFE's performance with extrinsic reward-based methods
Demonstrated effectiveness in general function approximation tasks
Performance against state-of-the-art unsupervised algorithms
Benchmarking on a diverse set of tasks
Guarantees on exploration efficiency and convergence
Sample complexity comparison with existing methods
Learning Process
Handling varying levels of uncertainty across states
Intrinsic Reward Design
Gaussian Process Function Approximation (GFA)
Improve sample complexity and performance in diverse tasks
To propose a novel algorithm for efficient exploration
Challenges in exploration without extrinsic rewards
Overview of reward-free reinforcement learning (RL)
GFA-RFE's potential as a practical solution for reward-free learning.
Implications for the exploration problem in RL
Summary of key contributions
Open questions and directions for future research
Potential for real-world applications
Results and Discussion
DeepMind Control Suite
Theoretical Analysis
Heterogeneous Sample Uncertainty Learning
Uncertainty-Aware Intrinsic Reward
Applications and Future Directions
Experimental Evaluation
Overview of reward-free reinforcement learning (RL)
Challenges in exploration without extrinsic rewards
To propose a novel algorithm for efficient exploration
Improve sample complexity and performance in diverse tasks
Uncertainty-Aware Intrinsic Reward
Gaussian Process Function Approximation (GFA)
Use of GPs for modeling uncertainty in state-action spaces
Intrinsic Reward Design
Incorporating uncertainty as a driving force for exploration
Formulation of the intrinsic reward function
Heterogeneous Sample Uncertainty Learning
Handling varying levels of uncertainty across states
Adaptive uncertainty estimation and weighting
Learning Process
Integration of uncertainty into the reinforcement learning update
Balancing exploration and exploitation based on uncertainty
Theoretical Analysis
Sample complexity comparison with existing methods
Guarantees on exploration efficiency and convergence
Experimental Evaluation
DeepMind Control Suite
Benchmarking on a diverse set of tasks
Performance against state-of-the-art unsupervised algorithms
Demonstrated effectiveness in general function approximation tasks
Results and Discussion
Comparison of GFA-RFE's performance with extrinsic reward-based methods
Highlighting the algorithm's strengths in mastering multiple tasks
Applications and Future Directions
Potential for real-world applications
Open questions and directions for future research
Summary of key contributions
Implications for the exploration problem in RL
GFA-RFE's potential as a practical solution for reward-free learning.
Key findings

Paper digest

What problem does the paper attempt to solve? Is this a new problem?

Could you please provide more specific information or context about the paper you are referring to? This will help me better understand the problem it aims to solve and whether it is a new problem or not.

What scientific hypothesis does this paper seek to validate?

This paper aims to validate the scientific hypothesis related to Uncertainty-Aware Reward-Free Exploration with General Function Approximation. The study focuses on exploring the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, GFA-RFE, in learning the environment without the need for a reward function and generating a near-optimal policy based on various reward functions . The research also compares the performance of GFA-RFE with baseline algorithms like ICM, Disagreement, RND, APT, DIAYN, APS, and SMM, which provide different intrinsic rewards during exploration . Additionally, the paper conducts experiments to evaluate the performance of the algorithm within the framework of unsupervised reinforcement learning (URL) and demonstrates its practical efficiency in learning the environment .

What new ideas, methods, or models does the paper propose? What are the characteristics and advantages compared to previous methods?

The paper "Uncertainty-Aware Reward-Free Exploration with General Function Approximation" proposes several novel ideas, methods, and models in the field of reinforcement learning . Here are some key contributions outlined in the paper:

  1. Representation Learning in Low-Rank Markov Decision Processes: The paper introduces a provably efficient representation learning approach for low-rank Markov decision processes .

  2. Reward-Free Model-Based Reinforcement Learning: It presents a method for reward-free model-based reinforcement learning using linear function approximation .

  3. Nearly Minimax Optimal Reward-Free Reinforcement Learning: The paper discusses a nearly minimax optimal approach for reward-free reinforcement learning .

  4. Model-Free Reinforcement Learning: It covers the transition from clipped pseudo-regret to sample complexity in model-free reinforcement learning .

  5. Algorithm for Reinforcement Learning with General Function Approximation: The paper introduces a nearly optimal and low-switching algorithm for reinforcement learning with general function approximation .

  6. Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning in Online Reinforcement Learning: It presents the concept of Contrastive UCB, which is a provably efficient contrastive self-supervised learning method in online reinforcement learning .

  7. Unified Framework for Intrinsic Rewards: The paper discusses a unified framework that provides benchmarks for intrinsic rewards in reinforcement learning .

  8. Optimal Horizon-Free Reward-Free Exploration: It introduces an approach for optimal horizon-free reward-free exploration in linear mixture Markov decision processes .

  9. Sample-Efficient Algorithms: The paper presents sample-efficient algorithms for reinforcement learning problems, such as Bellman eluder dimension and representation selection .

  10. Active Learning for Pure Exploration: It discusses fast active learning for pure exploration in reinforcement learning .

These contributions highlight the diverse range of innovative ideas, methods, and models proposed in the paper, aiming to advance the field of reinforcement learning with a focus on reward-free exploration and general function approximation. The paper "Uncertainty-Aware Reward-Free Exploration with General Function Approximation" introduces several key characteristics and advantages compared to previous methods in the field of reinforcement learning:

  1. Efficient Exploration with Adaptive Intrinsic Rewards: The paper proposes an uncertainty-aware exploration method that leverages adaptive intrinsic rewards to efficiently explore the environment during the planning phase. This approach achieves a sample complexity of eO(H2 log NF(ϵ) dim(F)/ϵ2) to find the ϵ-optimal policy, outperforming existing methods like Kong et al. (2021) .

  2. Improved Sample Complexity: Compared to prior studies, the proposed algorithm in the paper demonstrates improved sample complexity results. For instance, the algorithm achieves a reward-free sample complexity of eO(H6d4ϵ−2), showcasing advancements in exploration efficiency .

  3. Theory-Guided Algorithm Performance: Through extensive experiments on the DeepMind Control Suite, the theory-guided algorithm GFA-RFE exhibits compatible or superior performance compared to state-of-the-art unsupervised exploration methods. This practical validation highlights the potential of incorporating theoretical advancements into solving real-world problems effectively .

  4. Incorporation of Uncertainty Metrics: The paper introduces a properly improved uncertainty metric D2Fh instead of sensitivity, enhancing the exploration efficiency in practice. This incorporation of advanced uncertainty metrics contributes to the algorithm's ability to explore the environment effectively .

  5. Algorithm Enhancements: The proposed algorithm in the paper incorporates weighted regression to handle heterogeneous observations, utilizes a "truncated Bellman equation" for analysis, and introduces a variance-adaptive intrinsic reward. These enhancements contribute to the algorithm's improved performance and exploration efficiency .

  6. Experimental Validation: The experimental results presented in the paper demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can efficiently explore the environment without the need for a reward function and output near-optimal policies across various tasks. The performance of the algorithm aligns with or surpasses other top-level methods, validating its effectiveness in practical settings .

Overall, the characteristics and advantages of the proposed uncertainty-aware exploration method with general function approximation outlined in the paper showcase significant advancements in reinforcement learning, particularly in terms of exploration efficiency, sample complexity, and practical performance compared to previous methods.

Do any related researches exist? Who are the noteworthy researchers on this topic in this field?What is the key to the solution mentioned in the paper?

In the field related to the topic discussed in the paper "Uncertainty-Aware Reward-Free Exploration with General Function Approximation," there are several noteworthy researchers who have contributed to this area. Some of the notable researchers include the authors of the paper itself, as well as other experts in the field of reinforcement learning and function approximation .

The key to the solution mentioned in the paper lies in the formulation and proof of Lemmas, such as Lemma B.1 and Lemma B.6, which are crucial for establishing the theoretical foundations and correctness of the proposed approach. These Lemmas provide the necessary mathematical framework and induction proofs to support the uncertainty-aware reward-free exploration with general function approximation method discussed in the paper .

How were the experiments in the paper designed?

The experiments in the paper were designed to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, Uncertainty-Aware Reward-Free Exploration with General Function Approximation, in the context of reinforcement learning . The experiments were structured to assess the algorithm's ability to explore environments without relying on explicit reward functions and to generate near-optimal policies under various reward functions . The study compared the performance of the proposed algorithm, GFA-RFE, with several baseline algorithms such as ICM, Disagreement, RND, APT, DIAYN, APS, and SMM, aligning them with the same settings for fair evaluation . The results of the experiments, presented in Table 2, demonstrated that GFA-RFE efficiently explored the environment without explicit rewards and produced competitive or superior performance compared to the baseline algorithms across different environments and tasks .

What is the dataset used for quantitative evaluation? Is the code open source?

The dataset used for quantitative evaluation in the study is referred to as "Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning Benchmarks" . The implementation code for the algorithm can be accessed on GitHub via the link: https://github.com/uclaml/GFA-RFE .

Do the experiments and results in the paper provide good support for the scientific hypotheses that need to be verified? Please analyze.

The experiments and results presented in the paper provide strong support for the scientific hypotheses that needed verification. The study conducted extensive experiments to evaluate the proposed algorithm, GFA-RFE, in the context of reinforcement learning . The experimental results, as shown in Table 2, demonstrate that GFA-RFE efficiently explores the environment without the need for a reward function and is capable of outputting a near-optimal policy across various reward functions . Additionally, the performance of GFA-RFE was compared with several baseline algorithms, including APT, Disagreement, and RND, which consistently outperformed other algorithms on different environments and tasks. GFA-RFE showed compatible or superior performance compared to these top-level methods, further validating its effectiveness .

Moreover, the paper includes an ablation study to verify the algorithm's performance, focusing on the relationship between offline training processes and episodic reward, as well as the quantity of online exploration data used in offline training and its impact on achieving episodic reward . These ablation studies provide additional insights into the algorithm's behavior and effectiveness in learning the environment in practical settings. The promising numerical results obtained from the experiments justify the theoretical foundations of GFA-RFE and demonstrate its efficiency in learning the environment .

Overall, the experiments conducted in the paper, along with the detailed analysis of the results, provide robust empirical evidence supporting the scientific hypotheses underlying the GFA-RFE algorithm in the context of uncertainty-aware reward-free exploration with general function approximation in reinforcement learning .

What are the contributions of this paper?

The paper "Uncertainty-Aware Reward-Free Exploration with General Function Approximation" makes several contributions in the field of reinforcement learning:

  • It introduces the concept of self-supervised exploration via disagreement .
  • It presents Contrastive UCB, a provably efficient contrastive self-supervised learning method in online reinforcement learning .
  • The paper discusses the Eluder dimension and the sample complexity of optimistic exploration .
  • It explores model-based reinforcement learning in contextual decision processes, providing PAC bounds and exponential improvements over model-free approaches .
  • The paper also covers large-scale studies on curiosity-driven learning and exploration by random network distillation .
  • Additionally, it addresses the statistical efficiency of reward-free exploration in non-linear reinforcement learning .
  • The contributions include nearly optimal reward-free exploration for linear mixture MDPs and a general framework for sample-efficient function approximation in reinforcement learning .
  • Furthermore, the paper discusses the software and tasks for continuous control in reinforcement learning .

What work can be continued in depth?

Work that can be continued in depth typically involves projects or tasks that require further analysis, research, or development. This could include:

  1. Research projects that require more data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  2. Complex problem-solving tasks that need further exploration and experimentation.
  3. Long-term projects that require detailed planning and execution.
  4. Skill development that involves continuous learning and improvement.
  5. Innovation and creativity that require exploration of new ideas and possibilities.

Is there a specific area or project you are referring to that you would like more information on?

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