The Five-System Asset Allocation Chart
Each of the five New York City Retirement Systems has its own Board of Trustees which, working with the Bureau of ...
Each of the five New York City Retirement Systems has its own Board of Trustees which, working with the Bureau of Asset Management and the Board’s consultants, makes decisions on the funds’ asset allocations based on factors including economic risk, return, performance, and beneficiary distributions. Data and further information is also available here: Asset Allocation : Office of the New York City Comptroller ( "1U.S. Fixed Income assets do not include cash. 2Market Value of private market investments are reported on a lagged basis. 3Cash includes Securities Lending, State Street Short Term and BNY‐Mellon CD accounts. 4Totals may not add due to rounding. 5Fiscal Year to Date begins July 1st. Information presented is current as of the date of this posting only. Past performance does not guarantee the future performance of any manager or strategy. The performance results and historical information provided herein may have been adversely or favorably impacted by events and economic conditions that will not prevail in the future. Therefore, these results are not indicative of the future performance of any strategy, index, fund, manager or group of managers."
Last updated at : 2022-06-24
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