Targeted RNA-sequencing of aged FFPE liver tissue data
Targeted RNA-sequencing of aged FFPE liver tissue data
Gene expression data on >20 year-old, paired frozen and archival FFPE liver samples generated using targeted resequencing (TempO-Seq) and whole-genome RNA-sequencing methods. Samples were originally collected from male mice exposed to a reference chemical (dichloroacetic acid, DCA) at 0, 198, 313 and 427 mg/kg-day, (n=6/dose) by drinking water for 6 days. Portions of this dataset are inaccessible because: Including all of these files on ScienceHub would exceed the 1 Gb limit. They can be accessed through the following means: The data is stored on the L: Drive. Information on all of the files and file paths are indicated in the 20210923_Readme.xlsx file uploaded with the data. Format: Excel files, tab delimited files, csv files, and sequencing FASTQ files. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Cannizzo, M., C. Wood, S. Hester, and L. Wehmas. Case study: Targeted RNA-sequencing of aged formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples for understanding chemical mode of action. Toxicology Reports. Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS, 9: 883-894, (2022).
Last updated at : 2022-07-18
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