RPA framework, Delay of Gratification & COVID-19
The Risk Perception Attitude (RPA) framework, Delay of Gratification, Covid-19 health-related behaviors; self-reports
We investigated if the Risk Perception Attitude (RPA) framework is efficient in predicting Covid-19 health-related behaviour and whether the Delay of Gratification (DoG) ability is a useful construct to be added to the RPA. We used 3 self-report measures: the RPA measure was on the questionnaire developed by Ting et al. (2015); the Delay of Gratification measure was the Delay-of-gratification Gist Scale (DG-Gist Scale; Reyna & Wilhelms, 2017) and to assess COVID-19 preventive behaviors we used a pre-existing questionnaire, including the typical suggestions and advice for avoiding Covid-19 contagion (Liu, 2020). The backwards translation method was used to translate all measures in the Greek language. Very good reliability levels for all scales for this study (Cronbach's alphas).
Exclusion criteria: (a) younger than 18 years old, (b) not residents of Greece, and (c) been given a psychiatric diagnosis.
Data collected via G-Form after a written informed consent was provided. The Ethics Committee of CITY College, University of Sheffield International Faculty approved this study prior to data collection. (Application Number: 041444).