Probing many-body Bell correlation depth with superconducting qubits

Ke Wang, Weikang Li, Shibo Xu, Mengyao Hu, Jiachen Chen, Yaozu Wu, Chuanyu Zhang, Feitong Jin, Xuhao Zhu, Yu Gao, Ziqi Tan, Aosai Zhang, Ning Wang, Yiren Zou, Tingting Li, Fanhao Shen, Jiarun Zhong, Zehang Bao, Zitian Zhu, Zixuan Song, Jinfeng Deng, Hang Dong, Xu Zhang, Pengfei Zhang, Wenjie Jiang, Zhide Lu, Zheng-Zhi Sun, Hekang Li, Qiujiang Guo, Zhen Wang, Patrick Emonts, Jordi Tura, Chao Song, H. Wang, Dong-Ling Deng·June 25, 2024


This research paper presents experimental demonstrations of genuine multipartite Bell correlations in large-scale superconducting quantum processors, using variational techniques to prepare low-energy states that surpass classical bounds. Key findings include the certification of nonlocality in 24-qubit systems, the use of energy as a witness, and the ability to detect correlations in 2D honeycomb and 1D XXZ-type Hamiltonians. The study showcases improved control and readout procedures, with high-fidelity gates, and explores the detection of Bell correlation depth in multi-qubit systems. The results pave the way for deeper exploration of nonlocality in larger quantum devices, providing a benchmark for practical applications like cryptography and self-testing, and demonstrating the potential of quantum technologies for quantum information processing tasks.

Key findings

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Paper digest

What problem does the paper attempt to solve? Is this a new problem?

The paper aims to address the barren plateau problem in Variational Quantum Circuits (VQC) algorithms, where the gradients vanish exponentially with the system size as the circuit depth increases . This challenge is not new and has been recognized in the context of VQC algorithms . The researchers upgraded the experimental setup, optimized control and readout procedures, and implemented a layer-wise training strategy to overcome this issue and successfully prepare and detect genuine multipartite nonlocality up to 24 qubits .

What scientific hypothesis does this paper seek to validate?

This paper aims to validate the scientific hypothesis related to certifying genuine multipartite Bell correlations in quantum many-body systems using superconducting qubits . The research focuses on scaling up the demonstration of genuine Bell correlations to addressable many-body systems to establish a stronger benchmark beyond entanglement for quantum devices . The goal is to prepare and certify multipartite Bell correlations efficiently, providing a valuable guide for practical applications and quantum technologies .

What new ideas, methods, or models does the paper propose? What are the characteristics and advantages compared to previous methods?

The paper "Probing many-body Bell correlation depth with superconducting qubits" proposes several new ideas, methods, and models in the field of quantum computing and quantum correlations . Here are some key points from the paper:

  1. Experimental Certification of Genuine Multipartite Bell Correlations: The paper reports an experimental certification of genuine multipartite Bell correlations, which are indicators of nonlocality in quantum many-body systems .

  2. Bell Nonlocality in Quantum Many-Body Systems: The study focuses on exploring Bell nonlocality in quantum many-body systems, which is a challenging task due to the complexity of these systems. The detection of nonlocality, especially in quantum many-body systems, is highlighted as a challenging yet crucial aspect .

  3. Scaling Up Demonstration of Genuine Bell Correlations: With advancements in quantum computing, the paper addresses the challenge of scaling up the demonstration of genuine Bell correlations to addressable many-body systems. This scaling up is essential to establish a stronger benchmark beyond entanglement for quantum devices .

  4. Quantum Computing Methods: The paper discusses methods such as the Bell inequality on a honeycomb lattice and correlations in a 1D chain system to study quantum correlations and nonlocality in quantum systems .

  5. Authors' Contributions: The authors of the paper conducted experiments, designed devices, fabricated devices, and performed theoretical analysis. They also contributed to data analysis, result discussions, and manuscript writing .

Overall, the paper introduces innovative approaches to studying Bell correlations in quantum many-body systems, emphasizing the importance of exploring nonlocality in quantum computing and its practical implications. The paper "Probing many-body Bell correlation depth with superconducting qubits" introduces novel methods and models for probing many-body Bell correlations using superconducting qubits, offering distinct characteristics and advantages compared to previous approaches .

  1. Bell Inequality on a Honeycomb Lattice:

    • The paper presents a method that involves a Bell inequality defined on a honeycomb lattice, which is a significant advancement in the study of quantum correlations .
    • By generalizing the CHSH inequality to a honeycomb lattice and mapping it to a Hamiltonian, the method allows for the exploration of Bell correlations in complex quantum systems .
  2. Correlations in a 1D Chain System:

    • The study considers a 1D chain system with specific measurements involving two parties A and B, showcasing a modified version of Gisin's elegant inequality .
    • This modified inequality introduces additional parameters such as ∆, providing a more detailed analysis of correlations in the 1D chain system compared to previous methods .
  3. Advantages Over Previous Methods:

    • The methods proposed in the paper offer a more intricate and detailed analysis of Bell correlations in quantum systems, surpassing the limitations of previous approaches .
    • By incorporating specific measurement setups and introducing new parameters like ∆, the paper's methods provide a more comprehensive understanding of quantum correlations in different system configurations .

In summary, the paper's methods, including the Bell inequality on a honeycomb lattice and correlations in a 1D chain system, bring unique characteristics and advantages by offering a more sophisticated and detailed exploration of Bell correlations in quantum many-body systems compared to traditional methods .

Do any related researches exist? Who are the noteworthy researchers on this topic in this field?What is the key to the solution mentioned in the paper?

Several related researches exist in the field of Bell correlation depth in many-body systems. Noteworthy researchers in this field include:

  • M. Cerezo, A. Arrasmith, R. Babbush, S. C. Benjamin, S. Endo, K. Fujii, J. R. McClean, K. Mitarai, X. Yuan, L. Cincio, and P. J. Coles .
  • F. Bernards and O. G¨uhne .
  • J. Tilly, H. Chen, S. Cao, D. Picozzi, K. Setia, Y. Li, E. Grant, L. Wossnig, I. Rungger, G. H. Booth, and J. Tennyson .
  • J. F. Clauser, M. A. Horne, A. Shimony, and R. A. Holt .
  • J. Tura, G. De las Cuevas, R. Augusiak, M. Lewenstein, A. Ac´ın, and J. I. Cirac .

The key to the solution mentioned in the paper "Probing many-body Bell correlation depth with superconducting qubits" involves experimental certification of genuine multipartite Bell correlations to signal nonlocality in quantum many-body systems .

How were the experiments in the paper designed?

The experiments in the paper were designed with a focus on detecting multipartite Bell correlations using superconducting qubits . The experimental setup involved constructing a variational quantum circuit with up to 73 qubits . This circuit consisted of multiple layers of single-qubit gates and two-qubit CNOT gates with different patterns, implemented using XY rotations, Z rotations, and CZ gates . The experiments aimed to optimize a variational ansatz by choosing an appropriate loss function to minimize the expectation value of the target Hamiltonian . The experiments also addressed challenges such as the barren plateau problem by implementing a layer-wise training strategy to gradually scale up the variational quantum circuit and overcome the issue of vanishing gradients with increasing system size .

What is the dataset used for quantitative evaluation? Is the code open source?

The dataset used for quantitative evaluation in the study is not explicitly mentioned in the provided context . Additionally, there is no information provided regarding the open-source status of the code used in the research.

Do the experiments and results in the paper provide good support for the scientific hypotheses that need to be verified? Please analyze.

The experiments and results presented in the paper provide strong support for the scientific hypotheses that need to be verified in the context of Bell nonlocality and multipartite Bell correlations in quantum many-body systems . The paper discusses the certification of genuine multipartite Bell correlations in quantum many-body systems, specifically up to 24 qubits using a superconducting quantum processor . By employing energy as a Bell correlation witness and variational techniques, the study successfully demonstrates the existence of Bell correlations in a two-dimensional honeycomb model with 73 qubits and certifies genuine multipartite Bell correlations up to 24 qubits . The results showcase a viable approach for preparing and certifying multipartite Bell correlations, providing a finer benchmark beyond entanglement for quantum devices .

Moreover, the experiments address the challenge of scaling up the demonstration of genuine Bell correlations to addressable many-body systems, leveraging recent progress in quantum computing with noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices . The study highlights the importance of Bell nonlocality as a resource for various practical applications and emphasizes the need to explore Bell correlations in quantum many-body systems, an area that has been less explored compared to entanglement . The results obtained in the experiments not only contribute to advancing the understanding of multipartite Bell correlations but also offer insights into potential practical applications of these correlations across a wide spectrum of scenarios .

What are the contributions of this paper?

The contributions of the paper include:

  • Experimental Certification of Genuine Multipartite Bell Correlations: The paper reports an experimental certification of genuine multipartite Bell correlations, which indicate nonlocality in quantum many-body systems .
  • Addressing Quantum Nonlocality: It addresses the challenging task of detecting nonlocality, particularly in quantum many-body systems, which is crucial for achieving quantum advantages in various practical applications such as cryptography, random number generation, and machine learning .
  • Scaling Up Demonstration of Genuine Bell Correlations: The paper highlights the pressing challenge of scaling up the demonstration of genuine Bell correlations to addressable many-body systems, aiming to establish a stronger benchmark beyond entanglement for quantum devices .
  • Exploration of Bell Nonlocality in Quantum Many-Body Systems: While Bell nonlocality has been extensively tested in various systems over the past years, the exploration of genuine multipartite nonlocality in quantum many-body systems remains less explored, making this paper's contribution significant in this area .

What work can be continued in depth?

Work that can be continued in depth typically involves projects or tasks that require further analysis, research, or development. This could include:

  1. Research projects that require more data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  2. Complex problem-solving tasks that need further exploration and experimentation.
  3. Creative projects that can be expanded upon with more ideas and iterations.
  4. Skill development activities that require continuous practice and improvement.
  5. Long-term projects that need ongoing monitoring and adjustments.

If you have a specific type of work in mind, feel free to provide more details for a more tailored response.

Evolution of quantum computing and superconducting qubits
Importance of multipartite Bell correlations in quantum information
To experimentally demonstrate Bell correlations in large-scale systems
To showcase the potential of variational techniques in preparing nonlocal states
To establish a benchmark for practical applications and quantum technologies
Data Collection
Quantum Processor Setup
Description of the superconducting quantum processor architecture
Details on qubit design and connectivity
Variational Techniques
Overview of the quantum circuit design
Use of parameterized quantum circuits (PQCs) for state preparation
Data Preprocessing
State Preparation
Energy minimization through variational optimization
Comparison with classical bounds
Bell State Generation
Preparation of genuine multipartite Bell states
Selection of relevant Bell inequalities
Experimental Results
Nonlocality Certification
24-qubit systems: certification of nonlocality using Bell tests
Witnessing nonlocality through energy measurements
Correlation Analysis
Honeycomb and XXZ-type Hamiltonians: detection of correlations
Analysis of correlation depth in multi-qubit systems
Control and Readout Procedures
High-fidelity gate operations
Improved control and readout techniques
Error mitigation strategies
Implications for Quantum Information Processing
Potential applications in cryptography and self-testing
Quantum advantage in solving complex problems
Challenges and Future Directions
Scalability of the approach to larger systems
Integration with error correction and fault tolerance
Comparison with other experimental platforms
Summary of key findings and achievements
Outlook on the role of these results in advancing quantum technologies
Future prospects for exploring nonlocality in large-scale quantum devices.
Basic info
artificial intelligence
quantum physics
Advanced features
How do the improved control and readout procedures contribute to the research findings?
What role does energy play in the certification process, as mentioned in the paper?
What type of correlations are experimentally demonstrated in the research paper using superconducting quantum processors?
How many-qubit systems are certified as nonlocal according to the study?

Probing many-body Bell correlation depth with superconducting qubits

Ke Wang, Weikang Li, Shibo Xu, Mengyao Hu, Jiachen Chen, Yaozu Wu, Chuanyu Zhang, Feitong Jin, Xuhao Zhu, Yu Gao, Ziqi Tan, Aosai Zhang, Ning Wang, Yiren Zou, Tingting Li, Fanhao Shen, Jiarun Zhong, Zehang Bao, Zitian Zhu, Zixuan Song, Jinfeng Deng, Hang Dong, Xu Zhang, Pengfei Zhang, Wenjie Jiang, Zhide Lu, Zheng-Zhi Sun, Hekang Li, Qiujiang Guo, Zhen Wang, Patrick Emonts, Jordi Tura, Chao Song, H. Wang, Dong-Ling Deng·June 25, 2024


This research paper presents experimental demonstrations of genuine multipartite Bell correlations in large-scale superconducting quantum processors, using variational techniques to prepare low-energy states that surpass classical bounds. Key findings include the certification of nonlocality in 24-qubit systems, the use of energy as a witness, and the ability to detect correlations in 2D honeycomb and 1D XXZ-type Hamiltonians. The study showcases improved control and readout procedures, with high-fidelity gates, and explores the detection of Bell correlation depth in multi-qubit systems. The results pave the way for deeper exploration of nonlocality in larger quantum devices, providing a benchmark for practical applications like cryptography and self-testing, and demonstrating the potential of quantum technologies for quantum information processing tasks.
Mind map
Evolution of quantum computing and superconducting qubits
Importance of multipartite Bell correlations in quantum information
To experimentally demonstrate Bell correlations in large-scale systems
To showcase the potential of variational techniques in preparing nonlocal states
To establish a benchmark for practical applications and quantum technologies
Description of the superconducting quantum processor architecture
Details on qubit design and connectivity
Quantum Processor Setup
Overview of the quantum circuit design
Use of parameterized quantum circuits (PQCs) for state preparation
Variational Techniques
Data Collection
Energy minimization through variational optimization
Comparison with classical bounds
State Preparation
Preparation of genuine multipartite Bell states
Selection of relevant Bell inequalities
Bell State Generation
Data Preprocessing
24-qubit systems: certification of nonlocality using Bell tests
Witnessing nonlocality through energy measurements
Nonlocality Certification
Honeycomb and XXZ-type Hamiltonians: detection of correlations
Analysis of correlation depth in multi-qubit systems
Correlation Analysis
Experimental Results
High-fidelity gate operations
Improved control and readout techniques
Error mitigation strategies
Control and Readout Procedures
Potential applications in cryptography and self-testing
Quantum advantage in solving complex problems
Implications for Quantum Information Processing
Scalability of the approach to larger systems
Integration with error correction and fault tolerance
Comparison with other experimental platforms
Challenges and Future Directions
Summary of key findings and achievements
Outlook on the role of these results in advancing quantum technologies
Future prospects for exploring nonlocality in large-scale quantum devices.
Evolution of quantum computing and superconducting qubits
Importance of multipartite Bell correlations in quantum information
To experimentally demonstrate Bell correlations in large-scale systems
To showcase the potential of variational techniques in preparing nonlocal states
To establish a benchmark for practical applications and quantum technologies
Data Collection
Quantum Processor Setup
Description of the superconducting quantum processor architecture
Details on qubit design and connectivity
Variational Techniques
Overview of the quantum circuit design
Use of parameterized quantum circuits (PQCs) for state preparation
Data Preprocessing
State Preparation
Energy minimization through variational optimization
Comparison with classical bounds
Bell State Generation
Preparation of genuine multipartite Bell states
Selection of relevant Bell inequalities
Experimental Results
Nonlocality Certification
24-qubit systems: certification of nonlocality using Bell tests
Witnessing nonlocality through energy measurements
Correlation Analysis
Honeycomb and XXZ-type Hamiltonians: detection of correlations
Analysis of correlation depth in multi-qubit systems
Control and Readout Procedures
High-fidelity gate operations
Improved control and readout techniques
Error mitigation strategies
Implications for Quantum Information Processing
Potential applications in cryptography and self-testing
Quantum advantage in solving complex problems
Challenges and Future Directions
Scalability of the approach to larger systems
Integration with error correction and fault tolerance
Comparison with other experimental platforms
Summary of key findings and achievements
Outlook on the role of these results in advancing quantum technologies
Future prospects for exploring nonlocality in large-scale quantum devices.
Key findings

Paper digest

What problem does the paper attempt to solve? Is this a new problem?

The paper aims to address the barren plateau problem in Variational Quantum Circuits (VQC) algorithms, where the gradients vanish exponentially with the system size as the circuit depth increases . This challenge is not new and has been recognized in the context of VQC algorithms . The researchers upgraded the experimental setup, optimized control and readout procedures, and implemented a layer-wise training strategy to overcome this issue and successfully prepare and detect genuine multipartite nonlocality up to 24 qubits .

What scientific hypothesis does this paper seek to validate?

This paper aims to validate the scientific hypothesis related to certifying genuine multipartite Bell correlations in quantum many-body systems using superconducting qubits . The research focuses on scaling up the demonstration of genuine Bell correlations to addressable many-body systems to establish a stronger benchmark beyond entanglement for quantum devices . The goal is to prepare and certify multipartite Bell correlations efficiently, providing a valuable guide for practical applications and quantum technologies .

What new ideas, methods, or models does the paper propose? What are the characteristics and advantages compared to previous methods?

The paper "Probing many-body Bell correlation depth with superconducting qubits" proposes several new ideas, methods, and models in the field of quantum computing and quantum correlations . Here are some key points from the paper:

  1. Experimental Certification of Genuine Multipartite Bell Correlations: The paper reports an experimental certification of genuine multipartite Bell correlations, which are indicators of nonlocality in quantum many-body systems .

  2. Bell Nonlocality in Quantum Many-Body Systems: The study focuses on exploring Bell nonlocality in quantum many-body systems, which is a challenging task due to the complexity of these systems. The detection of nonlocality, especially in quantum many-body systems, is highlighted as a challenging yet crucial aspect .

  3. Scaling Up Demonstration of Genuine Bell Correlations: With advancements in quantum computing, the paper addresses the challenge of scaling up the demonstration of genuine Bell correlations to addressable many-body systems. This scaling up is essential to establish a stronger benchmark beyond entanglement for quantum devices .

  4. Quantum Computing Methods: The paper discusses methods such as the Bell inequality on a honeycomb lattice and correlations in a 1D chain system to study quantum correlations and nonlocality in quantum systems .

  5. Authors' Contributions: The authors of the paper conducted experiments, designed devices, fabricated devices, and performed theoretical analysis. They also contributed to data analysis, result discussions, and manuscript writing .

Overall, the paper introduces innovative approaches to studying Bell correlations in quantum many-body systems, emphasizing the importance of exploring nonlocality in quantum computing and its practical implications. The paper "Probing many-body Bell correlation depth with superconducting qubits" introduces novel methods and models for probing many-body Bell correlations using superconducting qubits, offering distinct characteristics and advantages compared to previous approaches .

  1. Bell Inequality on a Honeycomb Lattice:

    • The paper presents a method that involves a Bell inequality defined on a honeycomb lattice, which is a significant advancement in the study of quantum correlations .
    • By generalizing the CHSH inequality to a honeycomb lattice and mapping it to a Hamiltonian, the method allows for the exploration of Bell correlations in complex quantum systems .
  2. Correlations in a 1D Chain System:

    • The study considers a 1D chain system with specific measurements involving two parties A and B, showcasing a modified version of Gisin's elegant inequality .
    • This modified inequality introduces additional parameters such as ∆, providing a more detailed analysis of correlations in the 1D chain system compared to previous methods .
  3. Advantages Over Previous Methods:

    • The methods proposed in the paper offer a more intricate and detailed analysis of Bell correlations in quantum systems, surpassing the limitations of previous approaches .
    • By incorporating specific measurement setups and introducing new parameters like ∆, the paper's methods provide a more comprehensive understanding of quantum correlations in different system configurations .

In summary, the paper's methods, including the Bell inequality on a honeycomb lattice and correlations in a 1D chain system, bring unique characteristics and advantages by offering a more sophisticated and detailed exploration of Bell correlations in quantum many-body systems compared to traditional methods .

Do any related researches exist? Who are the noteworthy researchers on this topic in this field?What is the key to the solution mentioned in the paper?

Several related researches exist in the field of Bell correlation depth in many-body systems. Noteworthy researchers in this field include:

  • M. Cerezo, A. Arrasmith, R. Babbush, S. C. Benjamin, S. Endo, K. Fujii, J. R. McClean, K. Mitarai, X. Yuan, L. Cincio, and P. J. Coles .
  • F. Bernards and O. G¨uhne .
  • J. Tilly, H. Chen, S. Cao, D. Picozzi, K. Setia, Y. Li, E. Grant, L. Wossnig, I. Rungger, G. H. Booth, and J. Tennyson .
  • J. F. Clauser, M. A. Horne, A. Shimony, and R. A. Holt .
  • J. Tura, G. De las Cuevas, R. Augusiak, M. Lewenstein, A. Ac´ın, and J. I. Cirac .

The key to the solution mentioned in the paper "Probing many-body Bell correlation depth with superconducting qubits" involves experimental certification of genuine multipartite Bell correlations to signal nonlocality in quantum many-body systems .

How were the experiments in the paper designed?

The experiments in the paper were designed with a focus on detecting multipartite Bell correlations using superconducting qubits . The experimental setup involved constructing a variational quantum circuit with up to 73 qubits . This circuit consisted of multiple layers of single-qubit gates and two-qubit CNOT gates with different patterns, implemented using XY rotations, Z rotations, and CZ gates . The experiments aimed to optimize a variational ansatz by choosing an appropriate loss function to minimize the expectation value of the target Hamiltonian . The experiments also addressed challenges such as the barren plateau problem by implementing a layer-wise training strategy to gradually scale up the variational quantum circuit and overcome the issue of vanishing gradients with increasing system size .

What is the dataset used for quantitative evaluation? Is the code open source?

The dataset used for quantitative evaluation in the study is not explicitly mentioned in the provided context . Additionally, there is no information provided regarding the open-source status of the code used in the research.

Do the experiments and results in the paper provide good support for the scientific hypotheses that need to be verified? Please analyze.

The experiments and results presented in the paper provide strong support for the scientific hypotheses that need to be verified in the context of Bell nonlocality and multipartite Bell correlations in quantum many-body systems . The paper discusses the certification of genuine multipartite Bell correlations in quantum many-body systems, specifically up to 24 qubits using a superconducting quantum processor . By employing energy as a Bell correlation witness and variational techniques, the study successfully demonstrates the existence of Bell correlations in a two-dimensional honeycomb model with 73 qubits and certifies genuine multipartite Bell correlations up to 24 qubits . The results showcase a viable approach for preparing and certifying multipartite Bell correlations, providing a finer benchmark beyond entanglement for quantum devices .

Moreover, the experiments address the challenge of scaling up the demonstration of genuine Bell correlations to addressable many-body systems, leveraging recent progress in quantum computing with noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices . The study highlights the importance of Bell nonlocality as a resource for various practical applications and emphasizes the need to explore Bell correlations in quantum many-body systems, an area that has been less explored compared to entanglement . The results obtained in the experiments not only contribute to advancing the understanding of multipartite Bell correlations but also offer insights into potential practical applications of these correlations across a wide spectrum of scenarios .

What are the contributions of this paper?

The contributions of the paper include:

  • Experimental Certification of Genuine Multipartite Bell Correlations: The paper reports an experimental certification of genuine multipartite Bell correlations, which indicate nonlocality in quantum many-body systems .
  • Addressing Quantum Nonlocality: It addresses the challenging task of detecting nonlocality, particularly in quantum many-body systems, which is crucial for achieving quantum advantages in various practical applications such as cryptography, random number generation, and machine learning .
  • Scaling Up Demonstration of Genuine Bell Correlations: The paper highlights the pressing challenge of scaling up the demonstration of genuine Bell correlations to addressable many-body systems, aiming to establish a stronger benchmark beyond entanglement for quantum devices .
  • Exploration of Bell Nonlocality in Quantum Many-Body Systems: While Bell nonlocality has been extensively tested in various systems over the past years, the exploration of genuine multipartite nonlocality in quantum many-body systems remains less explored, making this paper's contribution significant in this area .

What work can be continued in depth?

Work that can be continued in depth typically involves projects or tasks that require further analysis, research, or development. This could include:

  1. Research projects that require more data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  2. Complex problem-solving tasks that need further exploration and experimentation.
  3. Creative projects that can be expanded upon with more ideas and iterations.
  4. Skill development activities that require continuous practice and improvement.
  5. Long-term projects that need ongoing monitoring and adjustments.

If you have a specific type of work in mind, feel free to provide more details for a more tailored response.

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