IUCN Redlist Changes - 2002 to 2022 (PDV 10-2022)
A look at numbers of threatened species by organism Class on the IUCN Red List by year from 2002 - 2022.
Project Data Viz is excited to present the next challenge to the Tableau community! For this month, we're providing the data set - a look at changes to the IUCN Red List from 2002 to 2022.
So at this point, you're probably asking, "What is the IUCN Red List???" Well, I'm glad you asked! The IUCN Red List, also known as the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List, is a tool that leverages research and data to provide a comprehensive assessment of an organism's extinction risk. Put simply, the Red List provides a status on nearly all species on Earth as to whether it is doing ok, Vulnerable to extinction, Endangered, or even Extinct.
The Red List serves an important role in driving research, conservation efforts, environmental policy decisions and more. The great part about the Red List is that it serves the global community, and is not limited to a single nation. Though many nations maintain their own listings of endangered species, they are often informed by the IUCN Red List.
Since 1964, the Red List has provided a look at the vulnerability of species. In the nearly 60 years since its inception, A LOT has changed. Between changes to local ecosystems, enhanced mechanisms for studying species and greater awareness, the Red List has become much more thorough. Each year, the list is revised to adjust the threat level for species - either due to new information, conservation efforts (yay!) or deteriorations to conditions (boo). The Red List is a living breathing document.
To that end, our data set looks at changes to the Red List since 2002. A lot has changed - both from the number of species that are assessed, to the number of species in each of the threatened categories - Vulnerable, Endangered and Critically Endangered.
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Data Source: IUCN Red List: Threatened Species in past and present IUCN Red Lists (Tables 1b & 2)