Good Growth Plan Historical Data
Productivity Data - 2019
Syngenta is committed to increasing crop productivity and to using limited resources such as land, water and inputs more efficiently. Since 2014, we have been measuring trends in agricultural input efficiency on a global network of real farms.
The "Good Growth Plan Progress Data - Productivity" dataset shows aggregated productivity and resource efficiency indicators by harvest year. The data has been collected from more than 4,000 farms and covers more than 20 different crops in 46 countries. The data (except USA data and for Barley in UK, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, France and Spain) was collected, consolidated and reported by Kynetec (previously Market Probe), an independent market research agency. It can be used as benchmarks for crop yield and input efficiency.
Farms are grouped in clusters, which represent a crop grown in an area with homogenous agro- ecological conditions and include comparable types of farms. The sample includes reference and benchmark farms. The reference farms were selected by Syngenta and the benchmark farms were randomly selected by Kynetec within the same cluster. Data collection was carried out by Kynetec using a structured questionnaire and face-to-face interviews with participating growers. Data was collected on the usage of inputs, such as crop protection products, chemical fertilizer, seeding rates, labor hours, machinery usage hours, and marketable crop yield on a per hectare basis.