Financial Management Information Systems Database(v1)
Financial Management Information Systems (FMIS) Database contains a rich set of operational data and performance ratings related to all completed and active FMIS projects funded by the World Bank (investment lending with large ICT components) since 1984. In addition to existing project data, details of ICT solutions, cost, duration, and performance of FMIS implementation, and relevant web links are presented for the benefit of task teams, as well as the client countries and development agencies involved (in spreadsheet format with metadata, statistics, and timelines). The FMIS Database was released in August 2010, as a part of the FMIS Study (FMIS: 25 Years of World Bank Experience on What Works and What Doesn't and is updated biannually to reflect the developments since then. The latest version of the database (Jul 2021) presents the details of 150 investment lending projects (117 completed + 30 active + 3 pipeline) funded by the WBG in 83 countries (all regions).