Environmental Fate of Cl-PFPECAs: Predicting the Formatio...
Environmental Fate of Cl-PFPECAs: Predicting the Formation of PFAS Transformation Products in New Jersey Soils
Original Title: Environmental Fate of Cl-PFPECAs: Predicting the Formation of PFAS Transformation Products in New Jersey Soils
This file contains data from estimated chloro perfluoro polyether carboxylate (Cl-PFPECA) transformation products in soil samples collected in New Jersey by New Jersey state government personnel. Samples were originally processed and extracted in Athens, GA EPA/ORD/NERL/EMMD laboratory by Tom Jenkins and John Washington. Samples were analyzed for transformation products on the Waters LC-MS/MS instruments in Athens, GA EPA/ORD/CEMM/EPD laboratory by Marina Evich and John Washington. Instrument output was reviewed and optimized by Marina Evich and John Washington. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Evich, M., M. Davis, E. Weber, C. Stevens, B. Acrey, W. Henderson, S. Goodrow, E. Bergman, and J. Washington. Environmental Fate of Cl-PFPECAs: Predicting the Formation of PFAS Transformation Products in New Jersey Soils. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, USA, 56(12): 7779–7788, (2022).
Source: https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/environmental-fate-of-cl-pfpecas-predicting-the-formation-of-pfas-transformation-products-
Last updated at https://catalog.data.gov/organization/epa-gov : 2022-07-18
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