Digital Governance Projects Database(v3)

World Bank·March 14, 2025


This dataset was originally created in 2015 as a part of a stocktaking exercise initiated by the Integrated Digital Solutions (IDS) Group to present an inventory of all WBG investments including large ICT/e-Gov components for various sector reforms since 1995. The dataset includes the details of ICT investments in seven categories, and their mapping to four GovTech focus areas, together with the cost, duration, and outcome ratings of completed activities, in addition to key project data extracted from the WBG operations portal. The first version of the “DG Projects Database” including 1,100+ projects funded in 130+ countries was released publicly within the WBG Data Catalog in June 2015. There were several updates on the dataset since then (Aug 2017, Dec 2019, Jan 2020, and Jul 2020). The latest version (October 2022) presents the details of 1,449 projects funded in 147 countries. This dataset can be used by all practitoners involved in the design of digital government/GovTech activities to learn from relevant investments, search the contents of project documents (PAD, ICR, IEG review), and expand/customize the resulting data sets for various needs (operational support, project design, research, monitoring and quality assurance, training, etc.).

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World Bank
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CreatedOctober 24, 2022
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Digital Governance Projects Database(v3)

World Bank·March 14, 2025


This dataset was originally created in 2015 as a part of a stocktaking exercise initiated by the Integrated Digital Solutions (IDS) Group to present an inventory of all WBG investments including large ICT/e-Gov components for various sector reforms since 1995. The dataset includes the details of ICT investments in seven categories, and their mapping to four GovTech focus areas, together with the cost, duration, and outcome ratings of completed activities, in addition to key project data extracted from the WBG operations portal. The first version of the “DG Projects Database” including 1,100+ projects funded in 130+ countries was released publicly within the WBG Data Catalog in June 2015. There were several updates on the dataset since then (Aug 2017, Dec 2019, Jan 2020, and Jul 2020). The latest version (October 2022) presents the details of 1,449 projects funded in 147 countries. This dataset can be used by all practitoners involved in the design of digital government/GovTech activities to learn from relevant investments, search the contents of project documents (PAD, ICR, IEG review), and expand/customize the resulting data sets for various needs (operational support, project design, research, monitoring and quality assurance, training, etc.).

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