Cost of Living in Romania vs Europe
The #RomanianDATA Tribe challenge for July 2022: Cost of living in Romania vs Europe
The cost of living in Romania keeps growing, even though it slowed down in 2020 when everything stopped due to pandemic but then exploded again in 2021 mainly because of inflation. 📈
The electricity and natural gas have the biggest increases in prices generating costs increase up to 300% and things won’t stop in 2022 based on predictions.
We exported the data from the NUMBEO platform in order to analyze the Cost of living in Romania vs Europe making the comparison also by city. **At this website these indices are relative to New York City (NYC). Which means that for New York City, each index should be 100(%). If another city has, for example, rent index of 120, it means that on an average in that city rents are 20% more expensive than in New York City. If a city has rent index of 70, that means on average rent in that city is 30% less expensive than in New York City.
Create a visualization that shows the Cost of living in Romania compared to Europe.
After you finish the challenge, make sure to fill in ✍️ the participation tracker (, then share your makeover data visualization on LinkedIn using #RomanianDATA, #RomanianDATATribe and tagging RomanianDATA Tribe.
Deadline: July 20