Assessing the efficiency and mechanism of zinc adsorption...
Assessing the efficiency and mechanism of zinc adsorption onto biochars from poultry litter and ligneous materials
Original Title: Assessing the efficiency and mechanism of zinc adsorption onto biochars from poultry litter and ligneous materials
The zinc concentrations and pH measurement from batch experiments with varied pH and biochar amounts. Additionally, solid phase sample analyses results from both XRD and XANES are included. This dataset is associated with the following publication: O'Connor , K.F., S.R. Al-Abed, S. Horden, and P.X. Pinto. Assessing the efficiency and mechanism of zinc adsorption onto biochars from poultry litter and softwood feedstocks. Bioresource Technology Reports. Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS, 18: 101039, (2022).
Last updated at : 2022-06-17
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