2023/Week 14 - Write a Clear Title
For Week 14 of 2023, we would like you to focus on writing a clear and informative title.
The title is the first thing that a reader notices about a chart or dashboard, but it’s often the last thing we add as developers. Titles are very powerful - you can use them to ask a question, orient your reader, catch their attention or communicate a key takeaway. This week, we would like you to create any single chart and give it a clear title.
Our data this week is a collaboration with Eduvizzers, a datafam project whose goal is “to provide you awesome educational datasets, so that you can create outstanding data visualizations.” The data we’ll be looking at is the New York City SAT College Board results. The SATs are a placement exam that American High Schoolers take to prepare for college admissions. It contains the following fields:
- DBN: Unique code use to identify each school in the NYCDOE location management system
- School Name: Official name of the school
- Number of Test Takers: Total number of students sitting SAT from a given school
- Critical Reading Mean: Average score on the Critical Reading section of SAT
- Mathematics Mean: Average score on the Mathematics section of SAT
- Writing Mean: Average score on the Writing section of SAT
For those newer to Tableau, try to consider using color effectively and purposefully in your chart. Play with formatting, detail, and colors to see how it affects your design. Make sure your chart has an appropriate description, title, or labels. Keep things simple and try not to over-complicate them. For those more experienced users, get creative. However, don't compromise quality if trying something new.
Take your time over the next week to create your chart. Share your visualization on Tableau Public, Twitter, and/or LinkedIn. Use the hashtags #B2VB and #Eduvizzers tag us (@ReadySetData and @ItsElisaDavis on Twitter) - yes, even if you’re not sure you “officially” did the prompt. If you’re open to feedback, say so when you post. Finally, fill out the submission form on the Back 2 Viz Basic's website and EduVizzers website.
Read more about the data here.