1000 Binned Global Distribution(v2)

World Bank·March 14, 2025


This dataset was created using the Poverty and Inequality Platform (PIP) (v 20220909_2017_01_02_PROD) for Mahler ⓡ Yonzan ⓡ Lakner (2022)

This dataset contains a distribution of global welfare for years 1990 to 2019. For each year, the dataset contains 1000 welfare (income or consumption) bins per country. For each bin, the dataset reports the following variables: code—ISO 3-letter country code, region_coderegional classification used in PIP, obs—rank of the bin with 1 being the lowest welfare bin and 1000 the highest welfare bin, welf—average daily household per capita welfare values of each bin in 2017 PPP USD, pop—population of the bin in millions, and year. The welfare values are based on lineup methodology in PIP. 


Recommended citation: 

“Mahler, Daniel Gerszon; Yonzan, Nishant; Lakner, Christoph. 2022. The Impact of COVID-19 on Global Inequality and Poverty. Policy Research Working Papers;10198. © World Bank, Washington, DC. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/entities/publication/54fae299-8800-585f-9f18-a42514f8d83b License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.” 



The data should not be used in lieu of the full survey data, or in lieu of the poverty and inequality statistics that are estimated directly from the survey data. For these purposes, users should use the estimates available in the Poverty and Inequality Platform (PIP). The poverty and inequality statistics published in PIP are estimated directly from the survey data. For example, the binned database would result in a lower level of within-country inequality, since it does not account for the inequality within each bin. 

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1000 Binned Global Distribution(v2)

World Bank·March 14, 2025


This dataset was created using the Poverty and Inequality Platform (PIP) (v 20220909_2017_01_02_PROD) for Mahler ⓡ Yonzan ⓡ Lakner (2022)

This dataset contains a distribution of global welfare for years 1990 to 2019. For each year, the dataset contains 1000 welfare (income or consumption) bins per country. For each bin, the dataset reports the following variables: code—ISO 3-letter country code, region_coderegional classification used in PIP, obs—rank of the bin with 1 being the lowest welfare bin and 1000 the highest welfare bin, welf—average daily household per capita welfare values of each bin in 2017 PPP USD, pop—population of the bin in millions, and year. The welfare values are based on lineup methodology in PIP. 


Recommended citation: 

“Mahler, Daniel Gerszon; Yonzan, Nishant; Lakner, Christoph. 2022. The Impact of COVID-19 on Global Inequality and Poverty. Policy Research Working Papers;10198. © World Bank, Washington, DC. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/entities/publication/54fae299-8800-585f-9f18-a42514f8d83b License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.” 



The data should not be used in lieu of the full survey data, or in lieu of the poverty and inequality statistics that are estimated directly from the survey data. For these purposes, users should use the estimates available in the Poverty and Inequality Platform (PIP). The poverty and inequality statistics published in PIP are estimated directly from the survey data. For example, the binned database would result in a lower level of within-country inequality, since it does not account for the inequality within each bin. 

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