Sierra Leone - Subnational Edge-matched Administrative Bo...
Sierra Leone - Subnational Edge-matched Administrative Boundaries
Original Title: Sierra Leone - Subnational Edge-matched Administrative Boundaries
Sierra Leone administrative level 0-4 edge-matched gazetteer, shapefiles, geodatabase, and geoservice. COD-EM datasets do not replace the authoritative COD-AB available here; however COD-EM datasets may be preferred for cartographic purposes. See caveats. These layers are suitable for database or GIS linkage to the Sierra Leone - Subnational Population Statistics tables. Vetting and live service provision by Information Technology Outreach Services (ITOS) with funding from USAID.
Caveats - The edge-matched layers are subject to the following potential limitations:
Where countries border each other, one or even both boundaries may be less accurate than the original, definitive boundaries. The UN Geospatial Hub boundary is generally of lower quality than the definitive COD-AB layers.
Peripheral polygon feature shapes and the relationship of their areas to those of their internal neighbouring features may be distorted, while internal features are untouched.
Peripheral polygon features may artificially appear to touch different, incorrect features belonging the same country.
Methodology - Other
Last updated at : 2022-06-14
License - Creative Commons Attribution for Intergovernmental Organisations