Harmonized Sub-National Food Security Data(v7)
FEWS NET produces food security classifications at the sub-national level, specifically at the intersection of livelihood zones and administrative units. FEWS NET data is compatible with the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification protocol, but the data is produced independently from the IPC multi-partner consensus group.
Because of the spatial mismatch between shapefiles across different timesteps in the FEWS NET data, the World Bank's Data Group developed a process to merge food security data into consistent spatial units sourced from FEWS NET. A spatial join was conducted to assign the mode (or majority) food security phase value to each administrative unit. This dataset contains IPC-compatible phases (current situation and projections) and population estimates, by sub-national area determined by FEWS NET.
The dataset covers all countries monitored by FEWS NET (roughly 20 countries), with assessments available since 2009 on a tri-annual basis. The DECSC unit provides support to update this dataset as soon as the source shapefiles are readily available. The dataset is available to the public and the original inputs are also publicly available through FEWS NET and the Gridded Population of the World (v4).